Physical Chemistry II and Laboratory

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: MARCELLO CONDORELLI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of metal nanostructure synthesis methods, understanding of photocatalytic processes, verification of Stern Volmer's law, practicality with typical physical chemistry characterization techniques such as UV-VIS spectroscopy, Fluorescence, IR, 

Course Structure

The course will consist of 4 face-to-face lectures preparatory to the lab and 4 rounds of 4 hours of lab time

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of general chemistry, chemical kinetics, Lambert-Beer's law, and laws governing light-matter interaction processes.

Attendance of Lessons

Students are expected to be present for all face-to-face lectures and laboratory experiences

Detailed Course Content



-Verification of Stern-Volmer's Law

-Photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds.

-Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles

Textbook Information

Lecture handouts

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to the course

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Understanding of the experiments performed in the laboratory and the theory behind the experiments will be assessed through an oral examination

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

-Tell me about Lambert Beer's law.

- Tell me about the formation of exciton lacuna pairs.

-Tell me about the Jablonsky diagram