Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: CHIM/01 - Analytical chemistry
Taught classes: 35 hours
Laboratories: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
Educational goals: to provide the student with a solid background in the main analytical instrumental techniques. To develop student’s capability to critically evaluate either the potentialities of the techniques employed and the experimental results obtained. To acquire the capability to write scientific reports.
Detailed Course Content
Optical methods. Absorption and Emission Spectra. UV-VIS Spectrophotometry. Instrumentation scheme, Lambert-Beer law, Quantitative Analysis. Determination of Fe(II), Mn(II) and Cu(II) in industrial waters. Absorption and Emission Spettroscopy. Atomic spectra. Principles of the technique and applications. Instrumentation scheme. Determination of Cu(II) and Pb(II) in industrial waters. IR Spectroscopy: Qualitative Analysis. Electrochemical Methods. Potenziometry. Reference and working electrodes. Measurement of pH. Voltammetry: caracterization of a redox system by cyclic voltammetry. Determination of trace analytes by pulsed voltammetric techniques. Chromatographic methods. Introduction to chromatographic techniques. Van Deemter equation. Column Chromatography and Thin Layer Chromatography. Gas-chromatography: determination of alcohols in alcoholic beverages. High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Ionic Chromatography: determination of cations and anions in a drinkable water. Mass spectrometry. Instrumentation scheme. Ionization Techniques. Separation of charged particles. Magnetic deflection, quadrupole and time of fly spectrometers.
Textbook Information
1. D. A. Skoog, J. J. Leary, Chimica Analitica Strumentale, EdiSES, Napoli, 1995.
2. R. Kellner, J.-M. Mermet, M. Otto, H. M. Widmer, Analytical Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, 1998.
3. Skoog, West, Holler, Crouch, Fondamenti di Chimica Analitica, Seconda Edizione, Edises.