Applied environmental chemistry
Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Giuseppe MACCARRONEExpected Learning Outcomes
-Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the main chemical and phenomenological aspects relating to the study of equilibria in solution, with particular reference to the calculation of pH, solubility and oxidation-reduction and complexation equilibria.
-Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: being able to develop simple and rigorous calculation approaches for the study of equilibria in solution. Development of useful knowledge and its application for carrying out quantitative determinations.
- Making judgments: developing the ability to critically evaluate the characteristics of the solutions related to their composition.
-Communication skills: develop and/or improve the ability to explain even complex scientific concepts.
-Learning skills: Apply techniques and theoretical models for the study of chemical equilibria.
Course Structure
Lessons. If the course would be at distance, or in presence and at distance at the same time, the necessary and appropriate changes to the statement originally declared will be introduced to comply to the program reported in the syllabus.
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
If the teaching is taught in mixed or remote mode, the necessary variations may be introduced with respect to what was previously declared, in order to respect the planned program and reported in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
Introduction: formation of the earth, of the primitive atmosphere and its evolution; the origin of life.
Environmental problems and their evaluation. The ecological footprint, the increase in temperature and the greenhouse effect. Capture and storage of the CO2.
Structure and composition of the current atmosphere. Air pollution: photochemical reactions in the troposphere and "smog" formation. Thermal inversion. Origin and diffusion of the acidity in the atmosphere. Acid rain. Origin and characteristics of the main pollutants in the atmosphere. Chemical reactions in the stratosphere: formation and destruction of ozone. Ozone hole: role of CFCs. Gaseous inorganic pollutants: CO, CO2, SO2, NOx, VOC.
The water compartment: chemical-physical properties of aqueous systems. The CO2/H2O system. Classification and environmental quality of water and its physical and chemical properties (pH, dissolved oxygen and biochemical/chemical oxygen demand, BOD and COD, water hardness, etc.). Drinking water and water pollution. Main classes of pollutants: chemistry, sources and mechanisms of action. Heavy metals in water and soil: Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Chromium, Tin. Complexing agents: synthetic (phosphates, EDTA, etc.) and natural (humic acids). Surfactants. Organic chlorinated compounds: non-persistent pesticides and PAHs. Redox potential in natural waters. The oxygen demand. Aerobic and anaerobic decomposition. Anions and Nutrients and the eutrophication problem. Oxidation resistant compounds. Bioaccumulation: bioavailability, bioconcentration and biomagnification.
Purification of waste and contaminated water. Water treatments: biological treatments, phytoremediation and energy recovery. Potabilisation treatments. Contamination and remediation of groundwaters.
The soil and its constituents. The sediments. Soil pollution. Municipal solid waste and industrial waste. Main organic and inorganic pollutants. Natural and anthropogenic organic pollutants: aromatic and non-aromatic hydrocarbons. Persistent organic micropollutants: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and furans (equivalent toxicity factors), polybrodiphenyl ethers, chlorinated and phosphorus pesticides, metals. Modern instrumental methods for environmental analysis: spectroscopic and chromatographic methods (GC and LC). Mass spectrometry and hyphenated techniques GC-MS and LC-MS.
Textbook Information
1) C. Baird e M. Cann, Chimica Ambientale (terza edizione italiana), ed. Zanichelli
2) S.E. Manahan, Chimica dell’ambiente, ed. Piccin
3) Environmental Chemistry 5th Edition, by Colin Baird (Author), Michael Cann (Author). Ed. W.H. Freeman and Company
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Principles, purposes and issues of applied chemical analysis. Chemical analysis applied to quality control. Sampling and pretreatment of real solid, liquid and gaseous matrices. Use of chromatographic, electrochemical and spectroscopic methods for the analysis of different types of samples. Calculation of repeatability, reproducibility and precision. Control cards. Robustness of a method. Recovery yield and matrix effect. Non-parametric tests | |
2 | Structure and composition of the current atmosphere. Air pollution: photochemical reactions in the troposphere and "smog" formation. Thermal inversion. Origin and diffusion of acidity in the atmosphere. Acid rain. Origin and characteristics of the main pollutants of the atmosphere. Chemical reactions in the stratosphere: formation and destruction of ozone. Ozone hole: role of CFCs. Gaseous inorganic pollutants: CO, CO2, SO2, NOx, VOC. | |
3 | Il comparto acqua: proprietà chimico-fisiche dei sistemi acquosi. Il sistema CO2/H2O. Parametri per la classificazione delle acque in riferimento alla qualità ambientale: proprietà fisiche e chimiche (pH, ossigeno disciolto e domanda biochimica/chimica di ossigeno, BOD e COD, durezza dell’acqua, ecc.). | |
4 | Acque potabili e inquinamento idrico. Principali classi di inquinanti: la chimica, le fonti e i meccanismi di azione. Metalli pesanti nelle acque e nel suolo: Mercurio, Piombo, Cadmio, Arsenico, Cromo, Stagno. Complessanti sintetici (fosfati, EDTA, ecc) e naturali (acidi umici). Tensioattivi. Composti organici clorurati: pesticidi non persistenti e IPA. | |
5 | Potenziale di ossidoriduzione nelle acque naturali. La richiesta di ossigeno. Decomposizione aerobica e anaerobica. Composti lentamente biodegradabili. Anioni e nutrienti: il problema della eutrofizzazione. Bioaccumulazione: biodisponibilità, bioconcentrazione e biomagnificazione. | |
6 | Depurazione delle acque reflue e contaminate. Processi di depurazione: trattamenti biologici, fitodepurazione e recupero di energia. Trattamenti delle acque per uso potabile. Contaminazione e risanamento della falda idrica. | |
7 | Il suolo ed i suoi costituenti. I sedimenti. Inquinamento del suolo. Rifiuti solidi urbani e rifiuti industriali. Principali inquinanti organici e inorganici. Inquinanti organici naturali ed antropogenici: idrocarburi aromatici e non aromatici. Microinquinanti organici persistenti: idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (IPA), policlorobifenili (PCB), diossine e furani (fattori di tossicità equivalente), polibrodifenileteri, pesticidi clorurati e fosforati, metalli. | |
8 | Moderni metodi strumentali per l’analisi ambientale: metodi spettroscopici e cromatografici (GC e LC). Spettrometria di massa e tecniche accoppiate GC-MS e LC-MS. |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
2 Questions formulated by the commission
3 The verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it
Information for students with disabilities and/or SLD To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can request a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory measures, based on the educational objectives and specific needs.