Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° YearCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
Taught classes: 21 hours
Exercise: 12 hours
Laboratories: 24 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The aims of the course is to provide the first rudiments of General Chemistry, which will serve as cultural baggage to address the subsequent teachings.
It is the place where you learn to enter probably for the first time in depth within the chemical processes with particular attention to the reactions in the gas phase or aqueous solution.
In this second part of the course the water solution equilibria, the electrochemistry will be treated with particular attention and will also give an outline of Inorganic Chemistry.
Course Structure
Initially the course will includes a large number of lectures to deal with about 2/3 of the topics.
Then the lectures will be combined with laboratory hours where the students will put into practice the concepts addressed in the front lectures.
Finally, a session of numerical exercise facing problems on the topics covered in lectures will be provided
Detailed Course Content
1. Ionic equilibria in aqueous solution: Acid and base, pH, solubility of salts and solubility product.
2. Electrochemistry: conductivity of aqueous solutions, electrolysis, Faraday laws, piles and normal potentials of semi-elements, use of normal potentials for the prediction of a redox reaction, overvoltage and discharge potentials.
3. Inorganic chemistry: hydrogen and elements of the s group, alkaline and alkaline-earth metals, elements of the p-block: outlines on the third group, fourth group, fifth group, sixth group (the calcogens), seventh group (the halogens), outline on rare gases.
5. Exercises: - Solubility and solubility product (Definition of solubility product constant Relationship between solubility of salts and their solubility product for salts of different stoichiometry)
- Calculation of the pH of acid/base solutions, buffer solutions and salt solution
- Electrochemistry (Calculation of the E ° of a redox reaction and of the relative equilibrium constant, calculation of the quantities obtained from electrolysis of saline solutions and molten salts)
6. Laboratory experiences: 1) Titrations of strong monoprotic acids and also pH-metric
2) Solubility of salts (determination of solubility product of a slightly soluble salt and solubility test of silver halides in ammonia
4) Construction of a battery and electrolysis of aqueous solutions
6) Permanganometric titration of hydrogen peroxide and a detergent containing sodium percarbonate
All the topics covered are considered indispensable for passing the exam.
Textbook Information
1. M.S. Siberberg, CHIMICA (La natura molecolare della materia e dele sue trasformazioni), Mc Graw Hill
2. R.H. Petrucci, W.S. Harwood, F.G. Herring, CHIMICA GENERALE (Principi e moderne applicazioni), Piccin
4. P Michelin Lausarot, G.A. Vaglio, STECHIMETRIA, Piccin