Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° YearCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 35 hours
Exercise: 12 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Detailed Course Content
INTRODUCTION: scientific method, physical quantities and units of measurement
VECTORS: scalar and vectorial quantities; calculus with vectors
KINEMATICS OF A PARTICLE: frame of reference; law of motion, trajectory, velocity, acceleration; rectilinear motion; free fall of body; projectile motion; circular motion
DYNAMICS OF A PARTICLE: fundamental principles: Newton’s laws; inertial and gravitational mass; forces: force of gravity, normal and friction force, tension, elastic force, air resistance; the simple gravity pendulum; moment of a force; linear momentum and angular momentum of a particle; work; kinetic energy; potential energy; total energy and its conservation
OSCILLATIONS: simple harmonic oscillator; damped oscillator; driven oscillator
UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION: Kepler’s laws of planetary motion; law of universal gravitation; energy in a gravitational field
DYNAMICS OF MANY PARTICLES AND RIGID BODIES: center of mass; theorems of the center of mass; density of a material; Konig’s theorems, moment of inertia; Huygens-Steiner’s theorem; motion of rigid bodies: translation and rotation; the compound pendulum
HYDROSTATICS AND HYDRODYNAMICS: pressure; Stevino’s law; the experiment of Torricelli; Pascal’s principle; Archimede’s principle; Bernoulli’s theorem
EXERCISES on the above topics