Academic Year 2017/2018 - 3° YearCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
Taught classes: 40 hours
Laboratories: 12 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The final goal will be a knowledge of the Inorganic Coordination Compounds with a particular emphasis on their electronic and crystallographic structures.
Detailed Course Content
Polielectronic atoms and Russel Saunder coupling, dn terms and their energies.
Molecular Orbital theory, secular equations and determinant, Extended Huckel methods, group theory and simplification of the related problems.
Electronic structures of AXn molecules and their study with UV Photoelecytron Spectroscopy.
Solis State: cristalline and amorphous phases. Hcp and ccp structures. Metal, alloys, oxides and halides.
Electronic structure of the solids.
Lab experiences: sintheses of salts, glasses and ceramic materials and their characterisations by SEM/EDX, DSC and XRD techniques.
Textbook Information
Peter Atkins 'Chimica Inorganica', Zanichelli
Albert Cotton et al. 'Advanced Inorganic Chemistry', VI ed., Wiley
Albert Cotton 'Teoria dei gruppi in Chimica, Ambrosiana