Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° YearCredit Value: 7
Scientific field: CHIM/02 - Physical chemistry
Taught classes: 21 hours
Laboratories: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The main objective of the course is the development of knowledge in the field of experimental physical chemistry applied to materials science. The training course is developed in three modules: Simulate, Assemble and Evaluate. During the first module "Simulate" we learn the key concepts of the numerical resolution methods of the equations governing the typical processes of materials chemistry. During the second "Assemble" we learn the methods for data acquisition from opto-electronic devices based on functional materials. During the third module "Evaluate" we address the problems deriving from the management of "big-data" in the scientific field, with particular reference to the chemistry of materials.
Course Structure
The course is structured in two sections. The first part of classroom​ lectures and the second part of experimental laboratory activities
Detailed Course Content
Section 1 ° Simulate (Modeling)
Educational Goals
To know
Learn the key concepts of numerical equation resolution methods governing typical materials chemistry processes
Take practical / application knowledge with Monte Carlo simulation methods, coarse-grained, etc.
To do (in comfort-zone)
Modeling of diffusion phenomena, spinodal decomposition, nucleation, and growth
Simulation of complex reaction kinetics
"Reasoned" fitting of stress/strain data of materials with viscoelastic properties
To apply (in "unknown" contexts)
Programming of a simple numerical resolution algorithm of integrals and derivatives
Apply the Montecarlo approach for the simulation of Random Sequential Adsorption processes
Section 2 ° Assemble (Devices)
Educational Goals
To know
Learns methods for data acquisition from active optoelectronic devices based on functional materials
To (in comfort-zone)
Synthesis and deposition of conductive polymers
Deposition of microelectrodes and connection to functional materials
To apply (in "unknown" contexts)
Setting-up of stations for data acquisition from analog/digital
Realization of a device for the sensing of VOC vapors
Section 3 ° Evaluate (Data-treatment)
Educational Goals
To know
Conceiving the concept of "Big-data". Understand the problems deriving from their management in the scientific field, with particular reference to the chemistry of materials
To do (in comfort-zone)
Critical analysis and evaluation of data processing methodologies in specific case studies
To apply (in "unknown" contexts)
Ability to manage "Big-data". Design and implement a suitable data treatment plan
Textbook Information
Please refer to studium website