Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year- Organic nanostructures : Francesco Paolo BALLISTRERI
- Organic Nanostructures: Nunzio TUCCITTO
Scientific field
- CHIM/06 - Organic chemistry
- CHIM/02 - Physical chemistry
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- Organic nanostructures
Provide to the student a sensibility turned to synthetic strategies to obtain opportunely functionalized molecular structures both for the inorganic surface anchor and the molecular electronic.
- Organic Nanostructures
The course aims to offer the student specific skills in the field of nanosciences with particular reference to the characterization of organic nanostructures.
The training is mainly aimed at the development of cognitive skills concerning the basic theoretical principles to be transferred to the technical / practical level, by means of appropriately designed laboratory experiences.
In particular, the achievement of the following skills is the primary training objective:
- ability to conceive and manage complex micro- and nano-systems
- correlation capacity between the nanometric characteristics of the organic structures and the functional properties deriving from them
- technical-scientific context and transversal capacities related to the characterization of nanostructured organic systems.
Detailed Course Content
- Organic nanostructures
Coupling C-C reactions through organometalic strategies: Gilman, Suzuki, Stille, Hech, ecc. New double bond formation through alkene metathesis (ROMP, CM, RCM, ecc.). Top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanodevice and nanomachines construction. Light-matter interaction. Molecular electronic and photonic: advantages in the use of small organic molecules instead of inorganic clusters. P and n organic semiconductors. Organic electroluminescence in thin film: use of low weight molecules and polymeric systems (OLED). Design of organic materials able to substitute traditional optoelectronic components. Analysis ands comment of recent scientific publication on the course topic.
Design, synthesis and characterization (1H-, 13C-NMR, MS) of organic molecules opportunely functionalized for anchoring on inorganic surfaces, comparison of photo physical properties in solution and in solid phase.
- Organic Nanostructures
- Introduction to nanoscience
- High Tech organic nanosystems
- Patterning of nanostructures
- Organic nanostructures characterization
- Photo- and electric- properties of organic nanostructures
- Laboratory experiments
Textbook Information
- Organic nanostructures
1. J.L. Atwood, J.W. Steed “Organic Nanostructures”, 2008 Wiley & VCH Verlag GmbH – Co. KGaA, Weinheim- ISBN: 978-3-527-31836-0.
2. P. Wyatt, S. Warren “Organic Synthesis-Strategy and Control” , 2007, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
3. S. Warren “Designing Organic Syntheses”, John Wiley &Sons
- Organic Nanostructures
1. Educational material and lession's notes
2. Handbook of Nanoscopy. Gustaaf van Tendeloo, Dirk van Dyck, Stephen J. Pennycook, Wiley
3. Electrons in molecules: from basic principles to molecular electronics. Jean-Pierre Launay and
Michel Verdaguer, Oxford University Press
4. An Introduction to Surface Analysis by XPS and AES. John F. Watts, John Wolstenholme, Wiley
5. ToF-SIMS: Surface Analysis by Mass Spectrometry. John C. Vickerman and David Briggs,