Thursday, October 18 at 11:30, in the Aula Magna of the Department of Chemical Sciences (Cittadella Universitaria, Building 1, Viale Andrea Doria 6, Catania), a welcome meeting is held for first-year students interested in enrolling in the degree courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry for the academic year 2018/19. The meeting to present the structure and the teaching activities will be coordinated by the Director of the Department, prof. Roberto Purrello, the presidents of the B.Sc. degree courses Enrico Ciliberto (Chemistry) and Salvatore Scirè (Industrial Chemistry) and prof. Guido De Guidi, (PLS - Chemistry Coordinator), who will illustrate the study method and didactic support offered. The lessons of the first year of the degree courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry will be suspended from 11:00 to 13:00.
Publication date: 10/08/2018