Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: CHIM/04 - Industrial chemistry
Taught classes: 35 hours
Laboratories: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to offer the basic knowledge of the integrated petroleum industrial process, deepening the analytical aspects of quality control of oil and waters products with targeted laboratory experiences.
Course Structure
The course is structured through theoretical lessons in the classroom, experiences of chemical analysis in the laboratory and study visits in Crude Oil Refinery
Detailed Course Content
1. Presentation of the Priolo-Augusta industrial area
Historical notes on the birth of the industrial pole of Priolo / Augusta. Private industry and public industry. Differentiation of the working class.
2. Refining of crude oil and integrated production system
Characteristics of the raw material. Selection criteria according to market scenarios. Integrated refining cycle: block diagrams, description of the plants, formulation of finished products, cogeneration of electricity.
3. Petrochemicals in support of refining
Plants for the production of chemical intermediates for the formulation of fuels: block diagrams, characteristics and description of plants.
4. Product specifications: National and International
Origin of a specific product: drafting and publication; characteristics and interpretation.
5. Quality control: semi-finished products, raw materials (crude oil, straight run residue, etc.) finished products, additives and denaturing agents.
Analytical methods for the analytical control of raw materials, of semi-finished and finished products. Description of the analytical methods, in order to meaning and operating methods. Characteristics of the additives used for the final formulation of fuels, example: Cold Flow Improvers. Denaturants used for the differentiation of fuels according to the use.
6. Biofuels
Types. Raw material for the production of Biodiesel. Productive process. Features and use.
7. Accreditation of a chemical laboratory (integrated)
Interpretation of the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 standard; example of preparation of supporting documentation: Quality Manual, Management Procedures, Technical Instructions.
8. Analytical quality control on line
9. Safety in chemical laboratories.
Prescriptions and precautions.
Elements of analysis of experimental data: statistical quality control
Measurement errors, accuracy and precision, and measurement uncertainty. Statistical evaluation of experimental results,
10. Methodology for the development of an analytical method.
Critical analysis of a measurement method, instrumentation preparation and experimentation. Verification of the data obtained with regard to the expressed repeatability. Drafting of a technical note.
11. Study visits in Crude Oil Refinery
Visit to the chemical laboratory for quality control of a crude oil refinery and overview of productive process. Final reports on the experiences written by the students
12. Laboratory experiences.
Analytical determinations concerning water and petroleum / petrochemical products. Final reports on the experiences written by the students
tation, verify and validation of online analytical measurement
Textbook Information
Class notes in pdf format
EN 228 : European standard : Automotive fuels – Unleaded petrol – Requirements and test methods
EN 589: European standard : Automotive fuels – LPG – Requirements and test methods,
EN 590: European standard : Automotive fuels – Diesel – Requirements and test methods;
EN 14214: Liquid petroleum products - Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for use in diesel engines and heating applications - Requirements and test methods)
APAT/IRSA CNR, Metodi analitici per le acque
Armando canuti, L’ultima acqua, Chiariotti Editore
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 5 : volume from 05.01 to 05.06
IP Standard Methods, For analysis and testing of petroleum and related products and British standards: volume 1 e 2
UOP Laboratory test Methods for petroleum and Its Products
UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025_2005: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
UNI CEI 70098-3:2016: Uncertainty of measurement – Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement
John R. Taylor, Introduzione all’analisi degli errori, Zanichelli
D.H. Williams I. Fleming, Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry, McGraw-Hill
Guida alla predisposizione del Manuale della Qualità secondo la norma 17025, ANGQ
Manuali Unichim n 191/2/3 : La sicurezza nei laboratori
Pierluigi Poggi, Tutto Combustibili, Sandit Libri
Carlo Giavarani, Guida allo studio dei processi di raffinazione e petrolchimici, Edizioni scientifiche SIDEREA