Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° YearCredit Value: 7
Scientific field: CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
Taught classes: 28 hours
Laboratories: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Knowledge of the design, synthetic and characterization methods of inorganic materials. For this reason, a wide scenario of synthetic methods of polycrystalline and single crystals inorganic materials is presented to the students. A special focus is devoted to advanced methodologies for the functionalization of inorganic substrates and to their characterization techniques
Course Structure
This course is organized through lectures(5 CFU) and lab practice (2CFU) in order to give the oppurtunity to apply theoretical knowledge on practical simple cases.
Detailed Course Content
Synthetic methods of polycrystalline and single crystal materials:
Solid state syntheses:
Introduction. Factors affecting reaction rate. Wagner model. Mixing methods. Co-precipitation.
Combustion methods. Carbothermal reduction.
Liquid-solid syntheses:
Precipitation from aqueous solutions. Sol-gel. Synthesis of zeolites. Precipitation from melts. Flux methods. Idrothermal and solvothermal methods.
Growth of single crystal. Growth from solutions: gel methods. Growth from melts: Czochralski method, Bridgman-Stockbarger method. Zone melting. Verneuil flame fusion method.
Gas-solid syntheses:
Vapor phase transport. Liquid-assisted vapor phase syntheses. (VLS).
Modifications of existing systems: Intercalation compounds. Solid electrolytes. Open structure systems: metal orgaic framework (MOF)
Physical vapor deposition of films: Evaporation and sputtering
Advanced synthetic methods:
Covalent anchoring of organic monolayer on oxides and semiconductors.
Hydrosilylation reaction of multiple bonds. Cyclo-addictions. Preparation of porous silicon and functionalization. Functionalization of oxides and nanoparticles. Specific application of functionalized materials.
Type of materials and applications
Magnetic materials. Magnetic Properties. Effect of temperature: law of Curie-Weiss.Magnetic materials. Metals and alloys. Transition metal oxides. Manganites. Ferrites. Nanomagnets and molecular magnets.
Materials for optical applications. Optical properties. Luminescence and phosphors. Materials for LASER and LED applications.
Metals and alloys. Metal preparation. Alloys. Steel. Superelastic and shape memory alloys.
Laboratory activities .
1)Synthesis of ceramics through co-precipitation and solid state synthesis. Synthesis of CaMnO3 , La0.85Sr0.15MnO3 e La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 . XRD characterization.
2)Nanomaterial synthesis from solution. Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticle synthesis and magnetic separation.
3)FTIR characterization of monocrystalline Si. Quantitative determination of interstial oxygen in CZ Si(100).
4)Sputtering of films. DC plasma sputtering of Au films.
5)Surface functionalization. Functionalization of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles with phosphonic acids. FTIR characterization.
6)Surface functionalization. Functionalization of CZ Si(100) with molecular monolayes through hydrosililation reaction. XPS characterization.
Textbook Information
- On-line slides available on:
- Anthony R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, second edition Wiley, 2014