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PhD Course in Materials Science and Nanotechnology

The Course provides solid scientific bases on materials science and applications to nanotechnology through intense laboratory activities, supported by faculty members on a specific topic in a three-year pathway. Selected interdisciplinary lectures and seminars, given by high qualified specialists, are provided during the course. During the PhD, each student has the opportunity to spend at least a semester in a qualified laboratory around the world due to specific scientific collaborations and agreements with other universities and research centers.

Relevant topics of the PhD Course in Materials Science and Nanotechnology are:
  • Materials and nanotechnologies for the environment
  • Materials and nanotechnologies for energy
  • Materials and nanotechnologies for electronics and photonics
  • Materials and nanotechnologies for health


Candidates are selected through the evaluation of the their CV and of a submitted research project, followed by an interview to evaluate the candidate’s ability  relative to topics of the PhD course.

A call for applications generally opens late June/July. For further information, please visit the University of Catania PhD site or contact the PhD Coordinator.

Courses - 40° cycle

Faculty members