Instructions for foreign students
Dear Students,
the University of Catania is going to implement new policies in response to COVID-19 and in application of the indication of the Italian Government. In order to help mitigate the growing risk of transmission, we will begin instituting a series of policies and practices based on the concept of social distancing. Our goal is to decrease the number of instances that require community members to gather in large groups or spend extended periods of time in close proximity with each other. To achieve this goal, we will virtualize lessons, exams, final Degree Ceremony, meeting with professors. These measures are being taken to help ensure the health and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff, and to decrease any potential impacts on the larger community.
As far as the final and graduation exams are concerned, we will be transitioning to virtual instruction and you’ll be informed as soon as possible. This transition is already completed for lessons and our virtual classes will start according the lectures schedule ( Please, check regularly if some change in the schedule will be annouced. In order to access the on line classes you are requested to follow the following instructions:
Access the web site of your department
- Enter the website of your Degree starting from the UNICT Web page
- Enter the website of the Degree course were the class you have to attend is provided.
- You’ll find an orange window: please, click on the red button “codici insegnamenti”. Here you find the list of courses and their codes (at the end of each line you’ll find a code for each course).
- Log in the Platform: using the codes University office sent you
- Click on the button at your right “Unisciti a un team o creane uno”.
- Insert in the text box the code of the class you have to attend
- Click on “Partecipa al team”.
- You made it! Each course is a “Team” and in each Team you can find: on line lesson, past lesson, documents and any other didactical material the instructor uploads.
Data di pubblicazione: 12/03/2020