1 – CV and scientific activities
Giovanni MARLETTA was born in Augusta (Siracusa - Italy), 08/06/1953.
- “Laurea” in Chemistry at University of Catania, “summa cum laude” 1980.
- September 1980-February 1984: Research Fellow at University of Catania, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces.
- February 1984- October 1992: Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry at University of Catania, Faculty of Math., Phys. and Nat. Sciences, Department of Chemistry
- November 1992- October 1994, Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at University of Calabria (Cosenza), Faculty of Math., Phys. and Nat. Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry.
- November 1994 - October 1996, Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at University of Basilicata (Potenza), Faculty of Math. Phys. and Nat. Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry.
- November 1996 - present, Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at University of Catania, Faculty of Math. Phys. and Nat. Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry.
- 1991- 1994, Lecturer of Physical Chemistry at University of Messina, Faculty of Math., Phys. and Nat. Sciences.
- 1994 - 1996 Lecturer of Physical Chemistry at University of Catania, Faculty of Math., Phys. and Nat. Sciences.
- 1996 - 2001, President of the Bachelor Course in Materials Science, Faculty of Math. Phys. and Nat. Sciences, University of Catania.
- 2005 – 2008, Coordinator of the XX cycle of Doctorate Course in Chemical Sciences at University of Catania.
- 2006 – 2009, Coordinator of the XXI cycle of Doctorate Course in Chemical Sciences at University of Catania.
- 2007 - 2010, President of the Bachelors (three-years) and Masters (two-years) courses of Science in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Math. Phys. and Nat. Sciences, University of Catania.
- 2012 - 2018, President of the Master of Science in Chemistry of Materials, University of Catania.
The overall research activity of G.Marletta in a temporal succession has involved the fields of
- Nanotechnology, molecular surfaces and thin films (1999 – present).
- Interaction of biological systems with synthetic surfaces (1996 – present).
- Radiation-Matter Interactions (keV-MeV ions in polymers) (1981 – 2002).
The main achievements of the research activity of G.Marletta can be summarized as follows:
The scientific activity has been reported in about 190 papers published in International Journals, more than 90 Invited Lectures at International Conferences and Schools and about 300 oral and poster presentations in International Conferences (separate lists available). Furthermore, G.Marletta has also lectured along the years in many Academic and Industrial Institutions in many Countries, including USA, Germany, France, UK, Japan, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Hungary, Brasil, China, India, Mexico, Canada and Italy. Among the others, one may quote Seminars at T.J.Watson Research Center of IBM (Yorktown Heights, N.Y., USA); Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, N.J., USA); University of Quebec, (Quebec City, Canada); CIRIL-CEA at Grand Accelerateur d’Ions Lourds (Ganil, Caen, France); GSI (Darmstadt, Germany); Toyota Research Laboratory (Nagoya, Japan); INSA (Lyon, France); Institute for Material Science (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, Jena, Germany); Université du Maine (Le Mans, France); University of Muenster (Muenster, Germany); Université de Reims-Champagne (Reims, France); Université de Cergy-Pontoise (Paris, France), etc… (Invitation to Italian academic institutions are not reported here).
G.Marletta has coedited 11 Proceedings volumes on topics including Materials for Photonics, Ion Beam effects in Materials, Current Trends in Nanotechnology, Biofunctional Surfaces, etc…
Bibliometry in short:
SCOPUS: ~ 4200 citations
SCOPUS H-index: 34
- 1984 - 1990 - Member of the Consulting Committee for Research Funding in Chemistry of the Univ. of Catania.
- 1988 - 1994 - Member of the National Committee for Chemical Sciences of the Italian National Council of Research (C.N.R.).
- 1990 - 1997, Member of the Administration Board of the Consortium for the Development of Research in Optoelectronics (OPTEL InP).
- 1992 - 2000, Member of the Board of Directors of the Division of Physical Chemistry of the Italian Society of Chemistry (S.C.I.) (three full mandates).
- 1992 – 2002, Director of the Laboratory of Surfaces and Interfaces (SUPERLAB) of the Consortium Catania Ricerche (University of Catania, ST Microelectronics, SIFI SpA, etc…)..
- 1996 – 2001 - Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Targeted Project on “Special Materials for Advanced Technologies II” as Coordinator of the Sub-project on “Materials and Processes for Electronic, Optical and Electrochemical Applications”.
- 1998 – 2001 - Director of the Section of National Institute of Science and Technology of Materials (INSTM) at University of Catania (3 years term).
- 1999 – Member of the Board of Delegates of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).
- 1999 – present - Member of the Executive Committee of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).
- 1999 – 2000 - Vice-President of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (years 1999-2000).
- 2000 – 2003 - President of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).
- 2002 – present - Promoter and Coordinator of the Laboratory for Molecular Surfaces and Nanotechnology (LAMSUN), University of Catania.
- 2001 - 2006 - Member of the Administration Board of the Consortium for the Development of Research in Optoelectronics (OPTEL InP).
- 2002 – 2006 – Director of of the Italian Targeted Project on “Special Materials for Advanced Technologies II”, National Council of Research (CNR, Rome).
- 2002 - 2006 – Member of the Expert Advisory Group of EU Commission for the 6th Framework Plan - Priority topic 3 “Nanotechnology, Knowledge-based materials, Innovative Processes” (four-year term).
- 2003 – 2005 – Member of the Peer Review Panel of the Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK (three-year term).
- 2003 – Member of the Review Panel for the NEST Program (IST priority, 6th FP).
- 2004 – present - Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, UK).
- 2006 – present - President of the National Interuniversity Consortium for the Study of Large Interface Systems (CSGI) (Firenze, Italy).
- 2007 – present - Delegate of the University of Catania for the District of Microsystem and Nanotechnologies.
- 2008 – Member of the Panel on “New Trends in Irradiation of Materials”, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Wien (Austria).
- 2008 – 2012 - President of the “Sicilian District of Micro- and Nanosystem” (Public Company involving University of Catania, University of Palermo, University of Messina, CNR, INAF, Sicilian Regional Government, ST-Microelectronics SpA, SIFI SpA, 11 further PMI).
- 2010 – Member of the Panel on “The role of radiation techniques in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Wien (Austria).
- 2011 – present – Coordinator of the “Nanotechnology Laboratory” of University of Catania (Italy).
- 2015 2018 – Member of the Board of Directors of Physical Chemistry Division of SCI (Società di Chimica Italiana).
- 2018 present - Italian Delegate for the Physical Chemistry Board of EuChemS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences).
- 2019-2021, President of the Division of Physical Chemistry and Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society of Chemistry(SCI).
- 2020 - present - Vice-Chair of the Physical Chemistry Division of EuChemS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences).
- 2020 - present - Coordinator of the Nanotechnology Laboratory of the “Centro Servizi di Ateneo per la Ricerca e Innovazione in Bio e Nanotecnologie (BRIT)”.
1.4.1 - International Research Bodies
- December 1991- December 1997 - Member of European Committee for COST-Chemistry, D-5 Action: “Surface and Interface Chemistry”
- 1992 - 1993 - Advisory Committee for the E-MRS European network on “Surface Engineering”
- 1995 - 2000 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the French National Facility “Grand Accelerateur d’Ions Lourds” (GANIL), Section of “Physique des Ions Rapids”, Caen, France.
- 1996 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the Ion Beam Facility of Strasbourg (CNRS) “Laboratoire PHASE”, Strasbourg, France.
- 1997 - 1998 - Scientific Committee of the Laboratoire SRSIM-CEA, Saclay (France)
- 1999 - 2000 - Scientific Committee of the Laboratoire LSI-CNRS, Palaiseau (France)
- 2002- 2006 – Member of the Expert Advisory Group of EU Commission for the 6th Framework Plan - Priority topic 3 “Nanotechnology, Knowledge-based materials, Innovative Processes” (four-year term), Bruxelles, Belgium.
- 2003 – 2005 - Member of the Peer Review Panel for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), London, UK.
- Member of the « IUMRS Commission on Membership Affairs » 2016.
1.4.2 - Membership of Scientific Committees and reviewing activity for Italian Research Bodies and Projects
- 1990 - 1995 - Scientific Committee of the “Istituto di Spettroscopia Molecolare” (ISM), C.N.R., Bologna.
- 1990 - 2000 - Scientific Committee of the “Istituto di Chimica dei Materiali” (ICMAT), C.N.R., (Roma).
- 1993 - 2000 - Advisory Scientific Committee of the “Consorzio Catania Ricerche” - Catania.
- 1994 - 2001 - Scientific Committee of the “Centro per la Chimica dei Plasmi” (CCP), C.N.R., Bari.
- 1994 - National Committee for the Feasibility of the National Targeted Program of C.N.R. on “Special Materials for Innovative Technologies II”.
- 1995 - 1999 - National Committee of CNR for Sincrotron Radiation.
- 1995 – 1998 - Member of the Advisory Scientific Committee for the Scientific and Technological Park of Calabria (CalPark).
- 1997 – 2002 - Scientific Committee of the “Istituto per la Chimica e Tecnologia dei Materiali Polimerici” (ITMP), C.N.R., Catania.
- 2002 – 2007 - Scientific Committee of the “Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici” (IPCF), C.N.R., Pisa .
- 2003 – 2007 - Scientific Committee of the “Istituto per i Compositi Polimerici e Biomateriali”, C.N.R., Napoli.
- 2004 – Evaluation Panel of the Department of Chemistry, University of Siena, Siena.
- 2009 – Evaluation of projects for the Programme “Bando team 2009 – Incoming”, Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trento.
- 2010 - Evaluation of POR-FESR 2007 – 2013 Research Projects from SME and research institutions in Veneto for Veneto Innovazione S.p.A. (Regional Agency for the innovation diffusion for SME in Veneto).
- 2011 – Evaluation of Industrial Research Projects for the “Provincia autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige”, Bolzano.
- 2010-2012 – Reviewing Scientific Panel for the “Laboratorio di ricerca per la Nanofabbricazione e i Nanodispositivi basati su nanolitografia” (LaNN) of Veneto Nanotech – Committed by the “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rovigo e Padova”, Padova.
- G.Marletta has also performed referee activity on behalf of MIUR, for several Italian Research Programmes (PRIN, FIRB Giovani, etc…).
- 2002 – today - Member of the Editorial Board of “Journal Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics” (Switzerland)
- 2003 - 2005 - Member of the Editorial Board of “Journal of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics” (three-year term, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK,)
- 2004 – 2006 - Member of the Editorial Board of “Journal of Applied Physics/Applied Physics Letters” (American Physical Society, USA)
- 2006 – 2008 – Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology” (VSH, The Netherland)
- 2006 - 2009 - Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Journal of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics” (three-year term, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK)
- 2009 – 2016 - Member of the Editorial Board of “Advanced Biomaterials” (Wiley VCH, Germany)
- 2016 – 2018 - Associate Editor of “Materials Science and Technology (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany)
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 1996, Chairman of Symposium K on “Nanometric Phenomena Induced by Laser, Ion and Cluster Beams” Strasbourg (France), June 4-7, 1996 (Co-chairmen: Marcel Toulemonde, Eleanor Campbell and Roger Kelly).
- Italian National School of Physical Chemistry: “Physical Chemistry of Functional Materials”, Torino, 19-25 June, 1999.
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2000, Chairman of Symposium E on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies” Strasbourg (France), May 30-June 2, 2000 (Co-chairmen: Gabriel Crean, José Martinez Duart and Hermann Grimmeiss).
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2001, Chairman of Symposium S on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies: from materials to devices” Strasbourg (France), June 4-8, 2001 (Co-chairmen: Hermann Grimmeiss, Harald Fuchs and Yasunori Taga).
- MELARI NID and 1st Italian Workshop on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies”, Catania (Italy), February 6-8, 2002 (Co-chairmen: A.Correia, R.Compaño, C.Taliani and S.Coluccia).
- SHIM 2002 - 5th International Conference on Swift heavy Ions in Matter; Giardini-Naxos (Italy), 22-26 May, 2002 (Co-Chairmen: S.Bouffard, R.Neumann).
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2002, Chairman of Symposium on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies” Strasbourg (France), June 4-8, 2001 (Co-chairmen: H.Grimmeiss, A.Jantsch and Y. Taga).
- 1st Brasilian MRS Meeting 2002, Chairman of the Symposium A on “Current Trends in Nanotechnology and Nanostructured Materials”, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), July 8-12, 2002 (Co-chairmen: A.King, G. Solorzano).
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2003, Chairman of Symposium A on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies: from materials to devices” Strasbourg (France), June 9-13, 2003 (Co-chairmen: Hermann Grimmeiss, George Jeronimidis).
- 2nd Brasilian MRS Meeting 2003, Chairman of the Symposium A on “Current Trends in Nanotechnology and Nanostructured Materials”, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), (Co-chairmen: A.King, G. Solorzano).
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2004, Chairman of Symposium A on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies: from materials to devices” Strasbourg (France), May , 2004 (Co-chairmen: Marshall Stoneham, Hermann Grimmeiss, George Jeronimidis).
- 3rd Brasilian MRS Meeting 2004, Chairman of the Symposium A on “Current Trends in Nanotechnology and Nanostructured Materials”, (Brasil), 8-12, 2002 (Co-chairmen: A.King, G. Solorzano).
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2005, Chairman of Symposium A on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies: from materials to devices” Strasbourg (France), May 31-June 3, 2005 (Co-chairmen: Joerg Weber, Hermann Grimmeiss, Piero Baglioni).
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2006, Chairman of Symposium A on “Current Trends in Nanotechnologies: from materials to devices”; (Co-Chairmen: Hermann Grimmeiss, Guillermo Solorzano, Shou-Shan Fan, Hans-Joachim Muessig), Nice (France), May 29- June 2, 2006.
- ESF-EMBO Conference on “Biological Surfaces and Interfaces”, (Co-Chairman: Marcus Textor) San Feliou de Guixols (Spain), July 1-6 2007.
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2008, Symposium on “Functional Supramolecular Architectures for Organic Electronics and Nanotechnology”, (Co-Chairmen: F. Cacialli, P.Samorì, M.Ruben, R.Farìa), Strasbourg (France), May 26-30, 2008.
- 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials and 7th Brasilian-MRS Meeting 2009, Symposium on “Functional materials for organic electronics and nanotechnology”, (Co-chairmen: R.Farìa, P.Samorì, M.Cremona), Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), October 2009.
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2010, Chairman of Symposium B on “Functional Biointerfaces”; (Co-Chairmen: K.Jandt, C.Ortiz), Strasbourg (France), June 7-11, 2010.
- E-MRS/ICAM Joint Meeting 2010, Chairman of the Conference, (Co-Chairmen: I.Boyd, R.Martins and T.Lippert), Strasbourg (France), 7-11, June 2010.
- MRS Spring Meeting 2011, Chairman of Symposium II on “Ion Beams – New applications from mesoscale to nanoscale”, (Co-Chairmen: J.Baglin, A.Oztarhan, D.Ila), San Francisco (USA) April 25-29, 2011
- E-MRS/IUMRS Joint Meeting 2011, Chairman of the Conference, (Co-Chairmen: H.U.Habermaier, J.Lindner), Nice (France), May 9-13 2011.
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2012, Chairman of Symposium G on “Functional Biointerfaces”; (Co-Chairmen: K.Rezwan, M.Manso Silvan), Strasbourg (France), May 13-18, 2012.
- E-MRS SPRING Meeting 2012, Chairman of Symposium G on “Nano-Engineered Bioactive Interfaces”; (Co-Chairmen: P.Netti, M.Lensen, P.Beltram), Strasbourg (France), May 25-31, 2013.
- E-MRS FALL Meeting 2013, Co-Chair of the General Conference, Warsaw (Poland), September 15-20, 2013.
1.7.1 - Memberships
- EURESCO Conference on “Biological Surfaces and Interfaces” (2001 - 2010).
- European Materials Research Society (E-MRS ) ( 2000 – present ).
- International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI) (1997 - 2013).
- International Conference on “Swift Heavy Ions in Matter” (SHIM) (1995 - 2009).
- International Conference on Ionizing Radiation on Polymers (IRAP) (1994 - 2012).
- International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB) (2013- present)
- The European Meeting of Vacuum Coaters (1994-2004).
- Italian Congress of Physical Chemistry (1993-2002).
- Italian Conference on Nanotechnology (2000 - 2006)
1.8 – GRANTS
- 1988-1990 - Partner of a COMETT I Programme on “Techniques of Surface Analysis: Fundamental aspects and Applications”, with Univ. of Lyon, Univ. of Namur, CSIC of Barcelona, Univ. of Heraklion and various French and Italian Industries.
- 1991-1993 - Partner of a COMETT II Programme on “Surface Techniques for Industrial Applications”, with Univ. of Lyon, Univ. of Namur, CSIC of Barcelona Univ. of Heraklion and various French and Italian Industries.
- 1993-'96 - Partner of a BRITE-EURAM programme on “Transparent inorganic Coatings for plastic materials” with Galilei Vacuum Technology (Italy), CETEV (Italy), Otto Nielsen Inc. (Denmark), University Autonoma of Madrid (Spain) and Von Ardenne (Germany).
- 1995-’97 - Coordinator of a Copernicus Project on ”Advanced Beam-Based Technology for Hard Ceramic Coatings of Transparent Plastics”, with Univ. of Lyon, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, OPTILAB (Budapest) and Czech Academy of Science.
- 1996/1997 and 1997/1998 - Italian Partner of a Tempus Programme on “Surface Engineering: Techniques and Applications” with Univ. of Lyon, Eötvös Lorand University, Technical University of Budapest, Soprom University, Miskolc University, and Vészprem University, Hungary.
- 1998-2000 – Partner of CRAFT Project on “Protective hard coating for plastic lenses” with Surfcoat (Finland), Biophy (France), CE.TE.V. (Italy), FactOptique (France).
- 2006-2010 – Contractor of the European Project for Integrated Infrastructure Initiative Programme on “Ion Technology and Spectroscopy at Low Energy Ion Beam Facilities (ITS-LEIF)” – Sub-task: “Slow ion induced nanostructuring of surfaces and thin films”
- 2007-2010 – Contractor of the European Project on “Threaded Molecular Wires as Supramolecularly engineered multifunctional materials (THREADMILL)” – Marie Curie RTN Programme.
1.8.2 – COORDINATION OF ITALIAN PROJECTS (progetti di rilevanza nazionale)
- PRIN 2001 (2002//2003): “Potentialities of the XPS spectroscopy and other spectroscopic methodologies for the study of surface interactions among polymeric and glass surfaces and adhesive proteins” (12 Research Units)
- FISR 2001 (2002/2005): Silicon Technologies for Bioelectronics Microsystems (10 Research Units)
- PRIN 2005 (2006/2007): “Self-assembling films of synthetic oligopeptides forbiomimetic surfaces” (5 Research Units)
- PRIN 2008 (2010/2012): “Protein-Inspired Innovative Biopolymers for Tissue Regeneration” (4 Research Units)
- FIRB “Idee Progettuali” 2006 (2007/2010): “Development of innovative biomaterials and advanced optical methodologies for new generation oftalmological devices” (2 Research Units).
- PRIN 2002: “Processi di interazione fra sistemi biologici e superfici polimeriche attivate mediante irradiazione”.
- FIRB 2001 (11/2002 - 11/2005): Realizzazione in vitro di scaffolds compositi e poliuretanici colonizzati con cellule osteoprogenitrici umane isolate da pazienti con patologia ortopedica.
- FIRB 2001 (01/2003 - 10/01/2007): Tecnologie per la manipolazione su scala nanometrica dei materiali e loro applicazione biomedica.
- FIRB 2001 (11/2003 - 11/2007): Sviluppo di microsistemi multifunzionali per analisi in diagnostica clinica e nel settore alimentare.
- FIRB INTERNAZIONALI 2004 (07/2006 – 07/2010): Strategie convergenti per la progettazione, lo sviluppo e la fabbricazione di micro- e nanodispositivi multifunzionali per il riconoscimento e la chemioterapia locale di cellule tumorali.
- FIRB “PIATTAFORME/RETI” 2008 (09/2009 – 09/2013): Rete Nazionale di Ricerca sulle Nanoscienze ItalNanoNet.
- FIRB “Accordi di Programma” 2011 (02/2012 – 02/2016): Idrogeli nanocompositi ibridi contenenti nanoparticelle ferromagnetiche per il trattamento di tumori ossei primitivi e secondari.
- ORCID: 0000-0002-6929-9499
- CINECA IRIS Institutional Research Information System: link al sito
Last 10 year publication list
212) “Direct measurement of pico-forces among nanoparticles in a quasi-2D environment”by Roberta Ruffino, Nunzio Tuccitto, Gianfranco Sfuncia, Giuseppe Nicotra, Giovanni Li-Destri, Giovanni Marletta; Langmuir (2022) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c01928.
211) “Cytostatic Effects of Polyethyleneimine Surfaces on the Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Cycle” by Anna Alba, Giusy Villaggio, Grazia Maria Lucia Messina*, Massimo Caruso, Concetta Federico, Maria Teresa Cambria, Giovanni Marletta and Fulvia Sinatra*; Polymers, 14 (2022) 2643 - https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14132643.
210) “Electrospun Chitosan Functionalized with C12, C14 or C16 Tails for Regenerative Medicine Applications” by M. Dettin, Martina Roso; Grazia Maria Lucia Messina; Giovanna Iucci; Teresa Russo; Antonio Gloria; Annj Zamuner*; Marta Santi; Sabrina Milan Manani; Monica Zanella; Chiara Battocchio; Giovanni Marletta; Michele Modesti; Mario Rassu; Massimo De Cal; Claudio Ronco; Gels, 8 (2022) 113. https://doi.org/10.3390/gels8020113.
209) “Inhibitory activity of shrimp waste extracts on fungus and oomycete plant pathogens” by Soumia El boumlasy, Federico La Spada, Nunzio Tuccitto, Giovanni Marletta, Carlos Luz, Giuseppe Meca, Ermes Ivan Rovetto, Antonella Pane, Abderrahmane Debdoubi, Santa Olga Cacciola; Plants 10 (2021) 2452 – DOI: 10.3390/plants10112452
208) “Tuning the randomization of lamellar orientation in poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films with substrate nano-curvature” by Roberta Ruffino, Luca Fichera, Maciej Jankowski, Oleg Konovalov, Grazia M.L. Messina, Antonino Licciardello, Nunzio Tuccitto, Giovanni Li-Destri, Giovanni Marletta; Polymers 230 (2021) 124071 (1-9) – DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2021.124071.
207) “Porphyrin-based Supramolecular Flags in the Thermal Gradients’ Wind: What, How and Why Breaks the Symmetry” by Angelo Nicosia, Fabiana Vento, Giovanni Marletta, Grazia M.L. Messina, Cristina Satriano, Valentina Villari, Norberto Micali, M. Teresa De Martino, Maaike J. G. Schotman, Placido Giuseppe Mineo; Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 1673 (17 pages); doi.org/10.3390/nano11071673.
206) “From nanoaggregates to mesoscale ribbons: the multistep self-organization of amphiphilic peptides” by G.M.L. Messina, C. Mazzuca, M. Dettin, A. Zamuner, B. Di Napoli, G. Ripani, G. Marletta, A. Palleschi; Nanoscale Adv.; 3 (2021) 3605-3614; doi.org/10.1039/d1na00216c.
205) “Adsorption of a fabric conditioner on cellulose nanocrystals: Synergistic effects of surfactant vesicles and polysaccharides on softness properties" by Evdokia K. Oikonomou, Graziana M.L. Messina, Laurent Heux, Giovanni Marletta and Jean-François Berret; Cellulose 28 (2021) 2551-2566; doi.org/10.1007/s10570-020-03672-y
204) “Reduction of graphene oxide by laser scribing in different atmospheres and application in humidity sensing” by Vittorio Scardaci, Luca Fichera, Maria Elena Fragalà, Nunzio Tuccitto, Giovanni Marletta, Giuseppe Compagnini; J. of Nanomaterials (2020) 4946954; doi.org/10.1155/2020/4946954.
203) “EAK hydrogels cross-linked by disulfide bonds: Cys number and position are matched to performances" by Calvanese, Luisa; Brun, Paola; Messina, Grazia; Russo, Teresa; Zamuner, Annj; Falcigno, Lucia; D'Auria, Gabriella; Gloria, Antonio; Vitagliano, Luigi; Marletta, Giovanni; Dettin, Monica; ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2019, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b01556
202) “In situ structure and force characterization of 2D nano-colloids at the air/water interface” by Giovanni Li-Destri; Roberta Ruffino; Nunzio Tuccitto; Giovanni Marletta; Soft Matter, 15 (2019) 8475-8482.
201) "3D Synthetic peptide-based Architectures for the Engineering of the Enteric Nervous System" by Paola Brun, Annj Zamuner, Alessandro Peretti, Jessica Conti, Grazia M. L. Messina, Giovanni Marletta, and Monica Dettin; Scientific Reports, 9 (2019) 5583 (1-12).
200) “Polymer crystallization on nano-curved substrates: distortion vs wetting” Roberta Ruffino, Nunzio Tuccito, Grazia M.L. Messina, Erika Kozma, Marinella Catellani, Giovanni Li-Destri, Giovanni Marletta; J.Phys Chem C 123 (2019) 8967-8974.
199) “A Nanometric Molecular Sponge: pH-driven Reversible Squeezing of Stimuli-sensitive Peptide Monolayers” by G.M.L. Messina, B. Di Natale, M.De Zotti, F.Formaggio, C.Mazzuca, A.Palleschi and G.Marletta; Langmuir 35 (2019) 4813-4824.
198) "Chelating Surfaces for Oriented HSA Molecules" by Messina, Grazia Maria Lucia; Tuccitto, Nunzio; Li Destri, Giovanni; Wietecka, Aleksandra; Marletta, Giovanni; Langmuir 35 (2019) 3354-3362.
197) “DNA-based biosensor on flexible nylon substrate by dip-pen lithography for topoisomerase detection” by V.Ferrara, A.Ottaviani, F.Cavaleri, G.Arrabito, P.Cancemi,Y.-P.Ho, B.R.Knudsen, M.S.Hede, C.Pellerito, A.Desideri, S.Feo, G. Marletta, B.Pignataro; Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 539, 2019, Pages 309-316.
196) “M13 bacteriophages as bioreceptors in biosensor device” by De Plano, L.M., Franco, D., Rizzo, M.G., Crea, S., Messina, G.M.L., Marletta, G., Guglielmino, S.P.P.; Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol.539, 2019, Pages 147-155.
195) “Reactive messengers for digital molecular communication with variable transmitter-receiver distance” by Nunzio Tuccitto, Giovanni Li-Destri, Grazia Maria Lucia Messina, Giovanni Marletta; Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. (2018) DOI: 10.1039/c8cp05643a.
194) “Single fibres of pyro-electrospinned PVDF-HFP/MWCNT unveal high electrical conductivity ” by Pietro Russo, Giuseppe Nasti, Sara Coppola, Gennaro Gentile, Nunzio Tuccitto, Giovanni Li-Destri, Giovanni Marletta and Pietro Ferraro; Polymer 159 (2018) 157-161; doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2018.11.024.
193) "Driving coordination polymer monolayer formation by competitive reactions at the air/water interface" by Tuccitto, Nunzio; Amato, Tiziana; Gangemi, Chiara Maria Antonietta; Trusso Sfrazzetto, Giuseppe; Puglisi, Roberta; Pappalardo, Andrea; Ballistreri, Francesco; Messina, Grazia; Li Destri, Giovanni; Marletta, Giovanni; Langmuir 34 (2018) 11706-11713; DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02607
192) “Energy-sustained Reversible Conductivity Increase and Nanocrystal Growth in Polymer Thin Films” by Giovanni Li-Destri, Nunzio Tuccitto, Pietro Antonio Livio, Grazia Maria Lucia Messina, Linus Pithan, Giovanni Marletta; Polymers 153 (2018) 344-353; DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2018.08.012.
191) “MoS2 nanosheets via electrochemical lithium-ion intercalation under ambient conditions” by M.El Garah, S.Bertolazzi, S.Ippolito, M.Eredia, I.Janica, G.Melinte, O.Ersen,G.Marletta, A.Ciesielski and P.Samorì; FlatChem 9 (2018) 33-39 – DOI: 10.1016/j.flatc.2018.06.001.
190) “Biomimetic Protein-Harpooning Surfaces” by G.M.L.Messina, C.Bonaccorso, A.Rapisarda, B.Castroflorio, D.Sciotto and G.Marletta; MRS Comm. (2018) DOI: 10.1557/mrc.2018.54.
189) “Orienting Proteins by Nanostructured Surfaces: Evidences of a Curvature-Driven Geometrical Resonance” by G.M.L. Messina, G.Bocchinfuso, N.Giamblanco, C.Mazzuca, A.Palleschi, and G.Marletta; Nanoscale 10 (2018) 7544-7555; DOI: 10.1039/C8NR00037A.
188) “Surface-driven First-step Events of Nanoscale Self-assembly for Molecular Peptide Fibers: An Experimental and Theoretical Study” by G.Forte, G.M.L.Messina, A.Zamuner, M.Dettin, A.Grassi and G.Marletta; Colloids and Surfaces B, Biointerfaces 168 (2018) 148-155 - DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.01.016.
187) “Multi-bit chemical messenger for long-range molecular communication in bioenvironment” by N.Tuccitto, G.Li Destri, G.M.L. Messina and G.Marletta; J.Phys.Chem.Letters, 8 (2017) 3861–3866; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b01713
186) ”Ionic strength-controlled hybridization of KRAS single-nucleotides: A Surface Plasmon Resonance study” by N. Giamblanco, S. Conoci, S.Petralia, C.Messineo and G. Marletta; Coll.Surf.B 158 (2017) 41-46; doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.06.021.
185) “Specific and selective probes for Staphylococcus aureus from phage-displayed random peptide libraries” by Laura M. De Plano, Santina Carnazza, Grazia M.L. Messina , Giovanni Marletta and Salvatore P.P.Guglielmino; Colloids and Surfaces B, 157 (2017) 473-480; doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.05.081.
184) “Probing the cleaning action of nanostructured fluids on polymeric coatings: a QCM-D study” by Martina Raudino, Nicoletta Giamblanco, Costanza Montisa, Debora Berti, Giovanni Marletta, Piero Baglioni; Langmuir 33 (2017) 5675-5684, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir. 7b00968.
183) “Serum Protein Resistant Behavior of Multisite-bound Poly(ethylene glycol) chains onto iron oxide surfaces” by N.Giamblanco, G.Marletta, A.Graillot, N.Bia, C.Loubat, J.-F. Berret; ACS Omega 2 (2017) 1309-1320, DOI:10.1021/acsomega. 7b00007.
182) “Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Study of Single Base Mutation Effect on Competitive DNA Strands Hybridization” by N.Giamblanco, A.Rapisarda and G.Marletta; J.Colloids and Interf. Sci., 487 (2017) 141-178; doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis. 2016.10.026
181) “Surface patterning: self-organization at the molecular level” by G.Zhavnerko and G.Marletta, Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science (3rd Edition) (2016), 10, 7087-7100. Publisher: CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA; ISBN: 978-1-4665-9045-8.
180) “Memory-Driven Order-Disorder Transition of 3D-Supramolecular Architecture Based on Calix[5]arene and Porphyrin Derivatives” by Nunzio Tuccitto, Giuseppe Trusso Sfrazzetto, Chiara M. A. Gangemi, Francesco P. Ballistreri, Rosa Maria Toscano, Gaetano A. Tomaselli, Andrea Pappalardo and Giovanni Marletta; Chem.Comm.52 (2016) 11681-11684, DOI: 10.1039/C6CC06675E.
179) “Selective Protein Trapping within Hybrid Nanowells” by Grazia Maria Lucia Messina, Cristiana Passiu, Antonella Rossi and Giovanni Marletta; Nanoscale 8 (2016) 16511-16519.
178) “Design of decorated self-assembling peptide hydrogels as architecture for mesenchymal stem cells” by Zamuner A., Cavo M., Scaglione S., Dettin M., G.M.L. Messina and G.Marletta; 2D Materials 9 (2016) Article number 727.
177) "Tuning the Composition of Alloy Nanoparticles Through Laser Mixing: The Role of Surface Plasmon Resonance" by Messina, Gabriele; Sinatra, Marco; Bonanni, Valentina; Brescia, Rosaria; Alabastri, Alessandro; Pineider, Francesco; Campo, Giulio; Sangregorio, Claudio; Li Destri, Giovanni; Sfuncia, Gianfranco; Marletta, Giovanni; Condorelli, Marcello; Proietti Zaccaria, Remo; De Angelis, Francesco; Compagnini, Giuseppe; J.Phys.Chem. C 120 (2016) 12810-12818; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1021/ acs.jpcc.6b01465.
176) “Preparation and Enhanced Conducting Properties of Open Networks of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) /Carbon Nanotubes Hybrids” by G.Sfuncia, N.Tuccitto and G.Marletta; RSC Advances 6 (2016) 51485-51492; DOI: 10.1039/c6ra09592e.
175) “Design of lipidic platforms anchored within nanometric cavities by peptide hooks” by G.M.L. Messina, M. De Zotti, R. Lettieri, E. Gatto, M. Venanzi, F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo and G. Marletta; RSC Advances 6 (2016) 46984-46993; DOI: 10.1039/c6ra06054d.
174) “Supramolecular Polymer Networks Based on Calix[5]arene Chained Poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) and C60 Fulleropyrrolidine” by Aurore Fraix, Vanna Torrisi, Giovanni Marletta, Salvatore Sortino, Placido G. Mineo, Gaetano A. Tomaselli, Francesco P. Ballistreri, Giuseppe Trusso Sfrazzetto and Andrea Pappalardo; Supramol. Chem. 28 (2016) 485-492; DOI: 10.1080/10610278.2015.1122788.
173) “Phase selective route to the V-O film formation: a systematic MOCVD study on the effects of deposition temperature on structure and morphology” by Federico Spanò, Roberta G. Toro, Grazia M. L. Messina, Giovanni Marletta and Graziella Malandrino; Chem. Vap. Deposition 21 (2015) 319-326; DOI:10.1002/cvde.201507186.
172) “Emerging interface dipole versus screening effect in copolymer/metal nano-layered systems” by Vanna Torrisi, Francesco Ruffino, Andrea Liscio, Maria G Grimaldi, Giovanni Marletta, Appl.Surf.Sci. 359 (2015) 637-642.
171) “Chelating Surfaces for Native State Protein Patterning: the Human Serum Albumin Case” by N.Giamblanco, N.Tuccitto, G.Zappalà, G.Sfuncia, A.Licciardello, G.Marletta; ACS Appl.Mater.Interf.7 (2015) 23353-23363. DOI:10.1021/acsami.5b08217
170) “Elecrospun Scaffolds for Osteoblast Cells: Peptide-Induced Concentration-Dependent Improvements of Polycaprolactone” by Monica Dettin, Annj Zamuner, Martina Roso, Antonio Gloria, Giovanna Iucci, Grazia M.L. Messina, Ugo D'Amora, Giovanni Marletta, Michele Modesti, Ignazio Castagliuolo, Paola Brun; PlosOne 10 (2015) e0137505 - DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137505.
169) “Characterization of Wet Powder-Sprayed Zirconia/Calcium Phosphate Coating for Dental Implants” by Pardun, K; Treccani, L; Volkmann, E; Li Destri, G; Marletta, G; Streckbein, P; Heiss, C; Rezwan, K ; Clin. Impl.Dent.Relat.Res.; 17 (2015) 186-198 - DOI: 10.1111/cid.12071.
168) “Single-step Label-free Hepatitis B virus Detection by Piezoelectric Biosensor” by Nicoletta Giamblanco, Sabrina Conoci, Dario Russo and Giovanni Marletta; RSC Advances 5 (2015) 38152-38158, DOI:10.1039/C5RA03467A
167) “Mixed zirconia calcium phosphate coatings for zirconia dental implants: Tailoring coating stability and bioactivity potential” by Karoline Pardun, Laura Treccani, Eike Volkmann, Philipp Streckbein, Christian Heiss, Giovanni Li Destri, Giovanni Marletta and Kurosch Rezwan; Mater. Sci. Engin. C, 48 (2015) 337-346.
166) "Enzyme-assisted calcium phosphate biomineralisation on an inert alumina surface" by Dr. Laura Treccani, Alieh Aminian; Karoline Pardun; Eike Volkmann; Giovanni Li Destri; Giovanni Marletta; Kurosch Rezwan; Acta Biomat. (2015), 13, 335-343.
165) “Schottky barrier height tuning by Hybrid organic-inorganic multilayers” by V. Torrisi, M. A. Squillaci, F. Ruffino, I. Crupi, M.G. Grimaldi and G. Marletta; MRS Proceedings, Volume 1660 (2014) 396/1-396/6; DOI:10.1557/opl.2014.396.
164) “Impact of selective fibronectin nanoconfinement on human dental pulp stem cells” by Ayse karakecili, Grazia M.L. Messina, Merve Capkin Yurtsever, Menemse Gumusderioglu, Giovanni Marletta; Coll.Surf.B 123 (2014) 39-48.
163) “Preventing corona effects: multi-phosphonic acid poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers for stable stealth iron oxide nanoparticles” by Torrisi, V.; Graillot, A.; Vitorazi, L.; Crouzet, Q.; Marletta, G.; Loubat, C.; Berret, J.-F.; Biomacromol., 15 (2014) 3171-3179.
162) “Driving h-osteoblast adhesion and proliferation on titania: peptide hydrogels decorated with growth factors and adhesive conjugates” by Dettin M., Zamuner A., Iucci G., Messina G.M.L., Battocchio C., Picariello G., Gallina G., Marletta G., Castagliuolo I., Brun P.; J.Pept. Sci 20 (2014) 585-594.
161) “Structure-rheology relationship in weakly amphiphilic block-copolymer Langmuir monolayers” by G.Li Destri, F.Miano and G.Marletta; Langmuir, 30 (2014) 3345-3353, DOI: 10.1021/la4043777
160) "Micro-patterned nanoscale Au films on PMMA: fabrication and effect of PMMA dewetting on Au patterning", by F.Ruffino, V. Torrisi, G. Marletta and M.G.Grimaldi; Journal of Material Science: Materials in Electronics, 25 (2014) 1138-1147.
159) “Polymer/metal hybrid multilayers modified Schottky devices” by V.Torrisi, F. Ruffino, G.Isgrò, I. Crupi, G. Li Destri, M.G. Grimaldi, G. Marletta; Appl.Phys.Lett.,103 (2013) 193117/1-193117/5; doi: 10.1063/1.4829532
158) “Enhanced Crystallinity and Film Retention of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Thin-Films for Efficient Organic Solar Cells by use of Preformed Nanofibers in Solution” by Nico Seidler, Giovanni Mattia Lazzerini, Giovanni Li Destri, Giovanni Marletta, and Franco Cacialli; J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1 (46), 7748 - 7757.
157) “Hyaluronan-based Pericellular Matrix: Substrate Electrostatic Charges and Early Cell Adhesion Events” by C. Fotìa, G.Ciapetti, G.M.L. Messina, G.Marletta, N.Baldini; European Cells and Materials; 26 (2013) 133-149.
156) “Tensile properties, thermal and morphological analysis of thermoplastic polyurethane films reinforced with multiwalled carbon nanotubes” by P. Russo, D. Acierno, G. Marletta, G. Li Destri; European Polymer Journal (2013) 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2013.07.021.
155) “Laminin Adsorption on Nanostructures: Switching the Molecular Orientation by Local Curvature Changes” by N.Giamblanco, E.Martines and G.Marletta; Langmuir 29 (2013) 8335-8342 - DOI: 10.1021/la304644z.
154) “Novel pH responsive calix[8]arene hydrogelators: self-organization processes at nanometric scale” by T.Mecca, G.M.L. Messina, G.Marletta and F.Cunsolo; Chem. Commun., 49 (2013) 2530-2532
153) “Cations as Switches of Amyloid-Mediated Membrane Disruption Mechanisms: Calcium and IAPP” by M.M.F. Sciacca, D.Milardi, G.M.L. Messina, G.Marletta, J.R. Brender, A.Ramamoorthy, C.La Rosa, Biophys.J., 104 (2013) 173-184.
152) “Mechanisms underlying the attachment and spreading of human osteoblasts: From transient interactions to focal adhesions on vitronectin-grafted bioactive surfaces” by P.Brun, M.Scorzeto, S.Vassanelli, I.Castagliuolo, G.Palù, F.Ghezzo, G.M.L.Messina, G.Iucci, V.Battaglia, A.Bagno, G.Polzonetti, G.Marletta, M.Dettin; Acta Biomaterialia 9 (2013) 6105-6115.
151) “Patterning of templated-confined nanoscale Au films by thermal-induced dewetting process of a poly(methylmethacrylate) underlying layer” by F. Ruffino, V. Torrisi, G. Marletta, M. G. Grimaldi; J.Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 124316/1-124316/11
150) “Multiscale characterization of a chimeric biomimetic polypeptide for stem cells culturing” by F Sbrana, C Fotia, A Bracalello, N Baldini, G Marletta, G. Ciapetti, B Bochicchio and M Vassalli; Bioinsp & Biomim 7 (2012) Article Number: 046007, 10 pages DOI: 10.1088/1748-3182/7/4/046007
149) “Coadsorption-Dependent Orientation of Fibronectin Epitopes at Surfaces” by Nicoletta Giamblanco, Gennady Zhavnerko, NunzioTuccitto, Antonino Licciardello and G.Marletta; Soft Matter 8 (2012) 8370-8378.
148) “The Extended-Chain Induced Onset of Bulk Morphologies at Surfaces of Thin Co-Oligomer Films” by Robert Schulze, Matthias M. L. Arras, Giovanni Li Destri, Michael Gottschaldt, Jörg Bossert, Ulrich S. Schubert, Giovanni Marletta, Klaus D. Jandt and Thomas F. Keller; ACS Macromolecules, 45 (2012) 4740-4748.
147) “Microcapillary-like structures prompted by phospholipase A2 activation in endothelial cells and pericytes co-cultures on a polyhydroxymethylsiloxane thin film” by C.Anfuso, C.Motta; C.Satriano; S.Gennaro; G.Marletta; G.Giurdanella, M.Alberghina, G.Lupo; Biochimie, 94 (2012) 1860-1870.
146) “Effects of the embedding kinetics on the surface nano-morphology of nano-grained Au and Ag films on PS and PMMA layers annealed above the glass transition temperature” by F.Ruffino, V.Torrisi, M.G.Grimaldi, G.Marletta; Appl.Phys.A, 107 (2012) 669-683.
145) “Interfacial Free Energy and Nanocrystalline Dephasing in Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester Thin Films” by Giovanni Li Destri, Thomas F.Keller, Marinella Catellani, Francesco Punzo, Klaus D.Jandt and Giovanni Marletta; Langmuir 28 (2012) 5257-5266.
Anno accademico 2021/2022
Corso di laurea in Chimica - 3° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze chimiche - 1° anno
Anno accademico 2020/2021
Corso di laurea in Chimica - 3° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze chimiche - 1° anno
Anno accademico 2019/2020
Corso di laurea in Chimica - 3° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze chimiche - 1° anno
Anno accademico 2018/2019
Corso di laurea in Chimica - 3° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica dei materiali - 1° anno
Anno accademico 2017/2018
Corso di laurea in Chimica - 3° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica dei materiali - 1° anno
Anno accademico 2016/2017
Corso di laurea in Chimica - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica dei materiali - 1° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica dei materiali - 2° anno
Anno accademico 2015/2016
Corso di laurea in Chimica - 3° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica dei materiali - 1° anno
The overall research activity of G.Marletta in a temporal succession has involved the fields of
- Interaction of biological systems with synthetic surfaces (1996 – present).
- Nanotechnology, molecular surfaces and thin films (1999 – present).
- Radiation-Matter Interactions (keV-MeV ions in polymers) (1981 – 2002).
The main achievements of the research activity of G.Marletta can be summarized as follows:
- Interaction of biological systems with synthetic surfaces (1996 – present). The interest for biologically relevant systems was boosted by collaborations focusing the role of living tissues in the degradation of polymer prosthesis. The achievements obtained by G.Marletta in the understanding and driving the interaction of biosystems with surfaces were initially originated by the original approach based on the use of low energy (inert) ion beams to directly patterning micrometric regions of polymer surfaces, inducing a spatially resolved enhanced cell adhesion as well as specific protein adsorption and reorientation processes. The success of the proposed methodology has been pervasive and the dramatic enhancement of biocompatibility has been demonstrated for several irradiated polymeric surfaces. Moreover, the cell behavior on polymeric surfaces undergoing many different irradiation conditions has been extensively studied, allowing also to shed light on the cell response to specific changes in surface properties. The initial approach, focusing on the nature and properties of the irradiation-induced surfacial phases, has further prompted the development of a number of new ideas on the role of specific surfacial factors that may affect the organization of protein adsorbed layers, including clustering at surfaces, as well as their “orientation”, i.e., the topological facts of their biological functionality. A combined experimental and computational approach has been employed to unravel the basic features of the processes at surfaces. Also in this case, a largely interdisciplinary research effort has been necessary to elucidate the role of biomolecule adsorbing processes in promoting specific cellular response. Thus, the role of factors like surface free energy, including the balance between dispersive and polar terms, presence of electrical domains and specific chemical groups has been studied in some detail and the relationship with the phenomenological cell response has been identified. The trend of development of this line implies both the increase of the interdisciplinary approach, as far as more focused cellular biology skills are needed to relate the expression of specific messengers (proteins, enzymes and RNA) in view of the surface factors, as well as the development of nanoscale structured surfaces, the last point taking profit of the researches developed under line 3, summarized below.
- Nanotechnology, molecular surfaces and thin films (1999 – present). The development of this research line is the natural follow-up of the concepts of specificity/selectivity of the interactions developed in the research line dealing with the biosystem response to the surfaces, interpreted as stimuli-provider systems. Thus, the line has been self-developing, expanding the current views on surface nanopatterning, setting a general methodology to create nanopores in polymeric films, studying the potentialities of Langmuir-Blodgett films as self-patterning systems and focusing the problem of the organization of thin and ultrathin polymeric films as a function of the substrate properties. A library of nanoscale methodology has been developed, as the enabling step to achieve nano-organised functional and biofunctional systems. Thus, also new functionalization methodologies have also been developed, based on selective coordination-based anchoring processes onto inorganic surfaces an, the functional properties of hybrid nanocomposites, formed by polymer-metal multilayers, with typical thicknesses between 4-6 nm, or polymer/fullerene nanostructures are being focused.
- Particle Beams-Matter Interactions (keV-MeV ions in polymers) (1981 – 2002). The study of the interaction of energetic particles with materials has formed the first phase of the scientific activity of G.Marletta. The research activity in this field was launched under the leading idea that fast particles would produce a non-conventional chemistry, due to the presumably non-thermodynamical fragmentation of molecular compounds occurring when fast particles interact with (covalently bonded) matter. Thus, following an interdisciplinary approach between chemistry and physics, the work of G.Marletta demonstrated that the energy deposition mechanisms, schematically consisting in mostly collisional or mostly electronic energy-deposition events, more than the total dose of released energy, are the main driving factor for the particle-induced chemistry. The basic works of G.Marletta in this field also demostrated that the non-thermodynamical fragmentation of molecular systems is basically associated to the collisional events (i.e., cascades of impulse-transfer events), and that irradiation performed optimizing this energy deposition regime promotes the formation of new non-conventional phases with unusual chemical and physical properties. Last, but not least, G.Marletta could set a general framework for the analysis of the radiation-matter interaction, showing that all the possible events occur between the two limiting situations of the non-thermodynamical collision cascades and the “photochemical” conventional regime. These achievements have formed the basis for the development of Surface Engineering methodologies, based on the use of low-energy particles, of very wide application to modify relevant properties of surfaces and thin films, such as insulator-semiconducting and –conducting transitions in polymers, polymer/polymer and polymer/metal adhesion switch-on, membrane properties of polymers, biocompatibility and cell adhesion, etc.. The results have been widely recognized by the concerned communities of materials scientists, as it is demonstrated, among the others, by the cooptation of G.Marletta in the International Steering Boards of several International Conferences, and a continuing series of Invited Lectures at International Conferences: indeed, more than 40 Invited Lectures have been awarded to G.Marletta in the field of Radiation-Polymer Interactions.